Components for Al Banking ISO20022 migration Open Banking A2A payments Multibanking Connectivity

Transform Your Payment Processes with Generative AI Technology

Product Guide

Trusted by 60+ Financial Institutions worldwide

BANKS quotes quotes

I have a legacy payment system and I am looking for… …a way to modernize our payment system and exchange ISO20022 messages

CORE BANKING quotes quotes

I want to expand to new markets and I am looking for… …a way to speed-up last-mile connectivity (infrastructures & local payment schemes)

TECH VENDOR quotes quotes

I’m implementing a payments project for a bank and I am looking for… …a way to process financial messages (Swift MT, SEPA, CBPR+, Target2, P27, MEPS+, FedNow etc)

DEVELOPER quotes quotes

I am working on Swift MT & ISO20022 payment project and I am looking for… …a way to Build, validate, parse, translate financial messages and test my implementation

NEOBANKS quotes quotes

I want to leverage the benefits of Open Banking and I am looking for… …a way to create an ecosystem around my bank and easily connect to other financial institutions

FINTECH quotes quotes

I want to offer multi banking and payments through my application and I’m looking for… …a way to easily connect to multiple banks and send payments

Our Payment and Open Banking products



Provide agility to your payment system

Built for Core Banking systems, Payment Institutions & EMIs who need to enrich their payment system or migrate to ISO20022. Our aplonHUB is a lightweight financial messaging application able to modernize payment flows at a fraction of time & resources.



Speed-up your in-house development

Built for Financial Institutions and developers who need to accelerate ISO20022 migration, CBPR+, TARGET2, & SEPA compliance. Our FINaplo Libraries are financial messaging SDKs to cover the needs in the ever-changing world of Payments.



Open the gates of the API economy

Built for Core Banking systems, Payment Institutions & EMIs who need to offer innovative financial products & services. Our aplonAPI is a full Life-Cycle API management tool able to make them part of the Open Banking revolution.



Connect once, access all

Built for Core Banking systems, ASPSPs, PISPs & AISPs who need to harvest the opportunities of Open Banking. Our UNUapi is a dedicated SDK that simplifies integration and allows them to focus on building their innovative product.

Payment Components